EHI Live 2013 live blog

EHI Live

Good morning from EHI Live 2013 Highland Marketing on its way to EHI Live 2013. Visit us at stand H70. We look forward to keeping you up to date with reports from the show through our LiveBlog.

Welcome to the first day of this live blog from EHI Live2013. There is an impressive line-up at the conference today with speakers including Tim Kelsey, NHS England’s national director for patients and information. And a very a strong mix of industry experts will be available to help tackle frontline healthcare challenges. Companies exhibiting include Caradigm, Cayder, CGI, Tiani ‘’Spirit’’, Nervecentre, Orion Health, TotalMobile, AxSys, Allscripts, Clinithink, CSC, ReStart Consulting, Harris Healthcare, IMS MAXIMS, MedeAnalytics, Elsevier Health Sciences, BT Global Health, Cambric Systems, Data Seeker, Imprivata, InterSystems, Wellbeing Software, Highland Marketing and more. We will keep you informed throughout the day.

Open source moving beyond NPfIT

Criticism surrounding the National Programme for IT is being listened to, Beverley Bryant from NHS England has just told EHI Live delegates. Open source is hugely important and more trusts are expressing interest. “We don’t want to set up monolithic central organisations that dictate to the NHS,” she said.

Money for open source

Beverley Bryant says that the first £90m of the NHS Tech Fund will be awarded in the next two weeks with £15m-20m specifically allocated to open source.

  Opportunities for SMEs from open source

The NHS is on a long journey to a “much more open technology landscape”, adds Bryant. There are many opportunities, especially for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs). “We need to put technology into the hands of clinicians. We need to persuade them paper is not the way forward. We need to persuade clinicians there is no way back.”

  NHS needs to catch up with Whitehall

The NHS has some catching up to do with Whitehall when it comes to open source, says Bill Aylward. “Clinicians get the whole open source thing, it’s the way they work,” he adds. “Open source is a really good fit, its time has come.” “You can’t expect busy clinicians to use technology unless they are involved in it. It is collaborative.”

 Manning warns the NHS is still ‘struggling’ on data sharing

“We are struggling to break down the technical and cultural barriers of sharing information across silos of care,” says Health and Social Care Information Centre chair Kingsley Manning

Jenny Dean medical director Harris Healthcare EMEA talks about making possible multiagency care by sharing patient data across disperate systems. She says its ‘time to take a different perspective on the way we deliver healthcare. It’s time to change and see greater collaboration between the various organisations across the care continuum.’

  HSCIC will no longer accept poor quality data

Organisations that find it difficult to get the name and address of a patient right, also often struggle to get care right, says Manning. HSCIC will refuse to take data from service providers if it is of an inadequate quality. There are too many errors. It cannot continue to be “untimely, slow, inaccurate or false”.

Brian Murray from Totalmobile advises healthcare organisations to talk to them about Dept of Health funding.

 Public need better education on data use, urges GP

More must be done to educate the public about how the health service is going to use their data and how they can use their data, one GP tells Kingsley Manning. The HSCIC chair agrees. “At the moment we have no transparent way of engaging with the public.” This will be addressed, he adds.

Fun and games on the Cayder stand – visit stand for chance to win a prize.

 Philip Kenney from Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust discusses iDesktop at the Best Practice Showcase

iDesktop which utilises Caradigm’s IAM solution has been implemented by Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust to allow clinicians more time to care for patients. The driver for change was the poor user experience clinicians’ faced, with the average log on time being 80 seconds with the longest being 10 minutes. iDesktop has significantly reduced this time allowing clinicians to access data anywhere from any device. The solution has been implemented to over 7000 users and was deployed without disrupting the clinical environment.

  We must make the NHS easier to do business with, says Bryant

“For too long the IT profession has been ignored and has not been seen as part of the answer,” says Beverley Bryant. “We need to change that.” In banking and shopping online options give people a choice about being there in person, but the NHS is still not there. “We must make the NHS easier to business with,” she says. Primary care is world leading in digitisation. Secondary care is still stuck on paper.

  The technology exists but are we exploiting it?

We are still planning for 21stst century healthcare but the technology already exists, says Ian Dalton, president of BT Global Health. Are we really exploiting it?

  A dark time for the health service but the future is here, says Kelsey

“It is a dark time for the health service, but it is also rich with opportunity,” says Tim Kelsey, NHS England’s national director for patients and information. “When you see those depressing clouds of darkness you must remember the future is already on us,” he adds. Already 42 per cent of adults are searching online for health information. NHS Choices receives 1 million visits everyday – although the health service does not know what they do, he adds.

  Friends and Family test to pass its millionth comment

The NHS is leading the world in a “knowledge revolution”, says Tim Kelsey. But despite the data revolution the health service has not been good at listening to patients. A lot of work has now been put in to correct this, he says. Patients are being encouraged to give feedback in real-time. And the Friends and Family Test is now about the pass its millionth patient comment.

IMS MAXIMS helps Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust meet its dementia screening target for three consecutive  months, says Frazer Underwood, associate director of nursing.


  Welcome to day two of EHI Live 2013

Start the day by reading all the key news from eHealth Insider from the first day at

 Dr Joel Ratnasothy talks about how to make clinical apps ‘enterprise ready’

How do we take cohort data and present in near real time? Caradigm has developed a platform that addresses the key users – patients, clinicians and managers – and presents a reusable and flexible data asset which can be used at the point of care.

Dr Joel Ratnasothy, medical director for EMEA at Caradigm discusses the key market challenges and the need for a suitable intelligence platform.

 Embedding technology in healthcare processes is the real challenge

How to implement an EPR is not the important question, says Carrie Armitage, programme director at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Implementing technology is not the challenge. The most challenging thing is to embed the technology into healthcare processes – that means embedding it with clinicians and patients.

  NHS trusts cannot outsource their IT strategy

Outsourcing IT strategy is not an option, warns Carrie Armitage, e-hospital programme director at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The client needs to be intelligent and at a minimum “well behaved”. It takes two for a real partnership, she says.

Debbie Guy from Nervecentre explains the benefits of mobile apps.

Breda Corish from Elsevier talks about the need to give clinicians easier access to Electronic Health Records.

  Anne Cooper advises how to engage nurses in system design

Clinical informatics advisor for NHS England and nurse Anne Cooper says system design must be “led from the nursing space not the technical space.  Usability is key.” Her advice is:

  • Listen actively
  • Use their language to demonstrate you understand
  • Understand their drivers
  • Listen and don’t judge
  • Do it on their turf
  • Understand the constraints of their attendance [to design sessions]
  • Respect their profession and experience
  • Understand the context of their work: wards vs. community vs theatre vs. A&E
  • Engage and support leaders
  • Go to the front line
  • Get to know the people – forming relationships

  HSCIC will help people find and use data. It isn’t just about pushing the data out

“It’s not just about putting data out, making it available and leaving it there,” says Gary Coleman, head of data services at the Health and Social Care Information Centre. “It’s about making it accessible and helping people to use it.” The key challenge is helping developers to find their way around the data, he says. It’s about helping people find the data to meet their needs. It’s “amazing” how often the data does exist but is very difficult to find it.

 CSUs still put the patient first

“Commissioning support units fundamentally embody the principles of the NHS,” says Catherine Dampney, chief information officer at NHS South CSU. This is one reason why they can best support clinical commissioning groups, she argues. CSUs are set to become independent bodies by April 2016 when they will compete against other private sector providers. But CSUs have an important ethos, she says. “Although we are not frontline we put the patient at the heart of what we do.”

  Measuring and improving apps

Prof Jeremy Wyatt says “93% of melanoma missed by one app.” Un-regulated apps present a significant risk.

Shane Tickell, CEO of IMS MAXIMS talks about why they are considering open source

  Will doctors be prescribing apps for patients?

There needs to be a framework to support the development of Apps to ensure trust. We need evaluation against quality criteria and explicit labelling to help change culture and strengthen other strategies, according to Professor Jeremy Wyatt from the University of Leeds.

  NHS needs to improve frontline idea sharing

The NHS needs to find better ways of sharing ideas from frontline staff, Stuart Rankin, managing director at Cayder has said. Rankin was speaking to Highland Marketing at EHI Live after he announced the winner of a competition that challenged nurses, clinicians, healthcare and IT professionals to put forward their ideas on how to improve productivity within wards, hospitals, or out in community settings. Zoe Harris, Clinical Programme Manager at Bristol Community Health CIC won a 55” touchscreen e-whiteboard for her organisation, for an idea that used mobile technology to allow healthcare professionals to spend more time with patients. It would allow staff including community nurses and phlebotomists to avoid unnecessary trips to the office and give them access to clinical records at the point of care. “Across multiple customers we see lots of great ideas and thinking. But we rarely see the same idea twice. The ability of the NHS to share ideas seems less that you would hope,” said Rankin. The NHS “absolutely” needed better idea sharing mechanisms, he said. “To encourage people to share ideas we offered a prize that would help improve patient care and outcomes.”

Lesley Halliday, NHS Fife talks about integrating numerous systems including Single Sign On which is saving more than 1000 hours every month, Patienttrack’s Early Warning System and Harris Healthcare’s clinical portal which is being used by more than 2,500 clinicians.

 Thank you for following us – stay informed with the Healthcare RoundUp

As EHI Live 2013 draws to a close Highland Marketing would like to thank you for following our live blog. We have brought you a mixture of news direct from the conference and opinions from the exhibition floor to keep you informed throughout. To stay up-to-date with the latest healthcare news subscribe to our weekly Healthcare RoundUp for free now.

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